Quantum Mechanics for Kids: A Humorous, Easy-to-Read, Math-Free Book on a Very Perplexing Subject

Quantum Mechanics for Kids: A Humorous, Easy-to-Read, Math-Free Book on a Very Perplexing Subject


Christopher Gilbert

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When you look at particles smaller than atoms, things can get weird… very weird. You are transferred into a world where particles can be waves, waves can be particles, and atoms are “up” and “down.” This book explores what seems like science fiction but is mathematically and scientifically sound. So, get ready to dive deep into a world where codes are unbreakable, computers use atoms to process data, and hypothetical cats are dead and alive: the world of quantum physics.

Praise For…

"Quantum Mechanics for Kids is the first physics books I've read that had me laughing out loud—multiple times! [I]f you read this book, you're likely to catch the physics bug. Plus, you might even learn something (or—horrors!—a LOT of things)."
Henry Reich, creator of the popular YouTube channel MinutePhysics

"Christopher has deftly tackled a topic that brings many adults to their knees, all with insight, humor, and breadth. Thank you, young man, for a thoughtful treatise on the spooky world of quantum mechanics for the wide-eyed child in all of us (and for actual kids, too!)."
Todd J. Barber, rocket propulsion engineer

About the Author

Christopher Gilbert is a 12-year-old sixth grader at Greely Middle School in Cumberland, Maine. He started learning about quantum mechanics from YouTube videos the summer between third and fourth grade. He enjoys writing, reading, math, and being outside in nature… and quantum mechanics.

NONFICTION | Paperback | 105 Pages | 2019 | ISBN: 978-1-7332633-2-0