"Beauty Queen"


by Kcebianna Jenkins, Telling Room Author

As she walks in the room everyone stops to admire her messy afro

She is a walking beauty

Her radiant skin glows from across the room

She holds her head up high

She walks in confidence

Her intentions are so pure but

Her wall is up so high, you can’t get past it even if you try

Her voice is so smooth it makes you feel calm

Her smile is so bright, everyone calls her sunshine

Some would call that fascinating but,

I call that the true definition of Black Girl Magic

This piece is being re-published as a part of our new The Voice of a Pride series. Learn more about this series here.

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We are committed to providing resources, activities, and community engagement to help us all keep writing and communicating across the divide. In the coming weeks and months we’ll be providing all kinds of content on this Medium account, including: A list of shorter writing activities and write/share prompts; articles written by Telling Room staff that feature key elements of literary and language arts methodology; and a suite of Telling Room lessons curated and adapted for online classroom and at-home learning.